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Top Carlisle companies by revenue

Carlisle is a lively city with a prosperous and growing economy. Its proximity to the airports in Manchester, Edinburgh, Newcastle and Glasgow, coupled with its great rail links and location on the UK's main north-south motorway, make it a thriving business hub. Many of the UK's top companies have bases in the city, thanks to its fantastic location and wide range of industrial parks available.

With such a broad range of industries thriving throughout Carlisle, there is a wealth of business potential available. Whatever sector you're targeting, you might be intrigued to see which companies are currently generating the biggest sums in terms of annual revenue. With this in mind, at Global Database we've put together this list of the top performers in the city of Carlisle. Taken from our Carlisle B2B company database, the data shows just how broad the spectrum of industries is, as well as the vast amounts of money on offer to the most successful brands. Take a look at the results below.


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As well as a diverse and lively range of industries, employment is also on the rise in the city. Employment in Carlisle has seen growth of over 4% over the last decade, higher than the UK average. The largest industries by employment are retail, manufacturing, health and social care, transport, property services, business services, construction, education, hospitality, local government and agriculture.

Employment rates in manufacturing, construction and agriculture remain higher than the UK average. Tourism is another important and growing industry for the city of Carlisle. It contributes significant amounts to the local economy and supports thousands of jobs in the immediate region.

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