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Top Other service activities companies in UK by revenue

There's no doubt that the service sector is a vital part of the UK economy. The latest figures from IBIS state that it contributes £10.7 billion to the overall economy, and provides over 240,000 jobs across 46,220 enterprises. The sector enjoyed growth of 3.1% over the period from 2014 to now, and is predicted to grow a further 2.1% over the next couple of years.

In case there was any further doubt in the importance of the service industry to the UK economy, government figures show that in 2013, 79% of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was generated from the sector. To put that in perspective, this was an increase of 46% from 1948. While the share of GDP from the manufacturing and agriculture industries decreased during this period, the services sector thrived. The UK is incredibly reliant on the industry; more so than any other G7 country.


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Our Other Service Activities B2B directory holds details on thousands of companies currently working in the industry. We update the information held about these UK-based companies regularly, to ensure it is always as accurate and up to date as possible. With this in mind, we've used out platform to put together the following list featuring the leaders in the industry, all based on their turnovers.

The results are incredibly varied. From a wholesale computer equipment business that's turning over hundreds of millions of pounds in only its sixth year, to an airline company in fifth place that's enjoying £1.8 billion worth of profit after nearly seven decades in operation. Check out the full list below.


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