FRUIT E JUICE LTD InactiveTobacco |
Financial statements of FRUIT E JUICE LTD
According to FRUIT E JUICE LTD latest financial report submitted on 2020-09-30, the company has a Turnover of £5,074.00, Profit-after-Tax of -£9.00. Compared with the previous year, the company reported a Turnover decrease of -269.57%, which is an equivalent of 13678. At the same time, the Profit-after-Tax went up by 500.0%, or by 45.
Turnover 2020
£ 5074
Consolidated A/cs
Working Capital
£ 0
Profit after Tax
£ -9
Reporting period
FRUIT E JUICE LTD Business Credit Report
A Business Credit Report for FRUIT E JUICE LTD is available for instant download. The report will provide you with a credit score and credit limit recommendation for FRUIT E JUICE LTD, payment trends, if the company pays their Invoices on time, whether or not the company has any court judgements, ownership and group structure, up to 5 years of financial statements and much more. When you buy a Credit Report from Global Database, you will also have a 7 days free trial to our B2B Sales Platform.
FRUIT E JUICE LTD Directors and key executives
View all employeesFRUIT E JUICE LTD currently employs 1 people. Compared with the previous year, the company has reported a staff increase of 0%, which is an equivalent of 0 employees. In order to view contact information, including emails and phone numbers for all the employees working at FRUIT E JUICE LTD and to export them in XL or to your existing CRM, you can subscribe to our platform here.
Total Employee Count
Total employees
1y growth
Management Level
Employee | Job Title | Phone | Country | |
Steven Young | Director |
- | GB |
Kelly Graves | Director |
- | GB |
Get in touch with 2 of contacts working at FRUIT E JUICE LTD
Upgrade to subscriptionFRUIT E JUICE LTD competitors:
View all competitorsTop 5 similar companies of FRUIT E JUICE LTD are AV PARTNERSHIP LTD, COMBAT CIGARS LIMITED, ABBEY VAPE ELIQUID LTD, COLONELBOOM LTD, TIGRIS EJUICE LIMITED. View and export all the competitor list of FRUIT E JUICE LTD by upgrading your account here.
FRUIT E JUICE LTD news & activities:
View full activityTurnover
FRUIT E JUICE LTD has submitted new account statements and has reported a turnover of £5,074.00, a -269.57% increase year-over-year.
FRUIT E JUICE LTD number of employees has decreased by 0% compared with previous year and now represents a total number of 1.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding FRUIT E JUICE LTD
Where is FRUIT E JUICE LTD registered office?
FRUIT E JUICE LTD is located at 13 Ashford Road Bethersden, United Kingdom.
How many people work at FRUIT E JUICE LTD?
According to the latest account statement, there are currently 1 of employees working for FRUIT E JUICE LTD.
How much revenue does FRUIT E JUICE LTD make?
Based on the latest financial accounts submitted on 2020-09-30, the company made £5,074.00 for 2020, which went down by -269.57%.
What is the Business Credit Score of FRUIT E JUICE LTD and how reliable is the company?
In order to check the business credit score of FRUIT E JUICE LTD, you can request a credit report. You will view the latest credit limit information, ownership, group structure, court judgements and much more.
Does FRUIT E JUICE LTD pay their invoices on time?
By requesting a Business Credit Report for FRUIT E JUICE LTD, you will be able to gain more insights about the FRUIT E JUICE LTD payment trends.
Search for International Credit Report
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