Getting hold of contact details for those in this industry can be extremely difficult; particularly if you're unsure of the particular person you need to reach out to. The Global Database company directory provides you with all of the information you need in one place, saving you and your team valuable time and resources.
Whether you're conducting research for a paper or campaign, writing an article, or looking for contacts to market your product or service to, our database holds over 508,080 companies records for activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies companies. What's more, all of our records contain direct contact details, so you can avoid being blocked by secretaries and get straight through to the people you wish to question, or market your product to.
Our B2B database also holds information on number of employees, years in operation, office locations, board members, and more, and a range of filter options allow you to find exactly what you need in the most efficient way possible. Once you've put your contact list together, you can make use of free and unlimited exports via Excel to set up your email campaigns quickly and easily, or integrate the data into your own CRM.
With consistent and thorough checks carried out every month, we have one of the highest data accuracy ratings of any business intelligence provider, and our daily updates mean a steady stream of new potential leads. Whatever your reason for targeting those in the activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies sector, Global Database has everything you need.