Global Database is the perfect companion for your marketing campaigns in the education sector. With 260,903 companies records for market-leading organisations and key employees, our education company database provides everything you need to start running successful campaigns right away.
All of our records contain vital information such as phone and fax numbers, email and direct mail addresses, office locations, number of employees and more, as well as more in-depth data such as technology insights, credit reports, years in operation and board members. Direct contact details mean you can reach right out to the individuals you need without having your calls or messages blocked by secretaries, and unlimited exports via Excel make setting up your mailing lists even quicker.
A range of filter options mean you can efficiently narrow your search down to the exact audience type you wish to target; for example, using the location filter in order to find education companies based in emerging markets, allowing for finely-tuned mailing lists that result in a much better ROI.