The Global Database B2B company directory holds records for all businesses and organisations that operate in this sector, including dry cleaners, hairdressers, beauty salons, funeral directors, and more. All of our records contain direct work phone and fax numbers and email addresses, including those belonging to company executives, allowing you to reach the people capable of making purchasing decisions in one call or message.
Our companies in the other service activities company data also includes years in location, operation, financial information, technology insights, employee numbers and much more, so you can gain a full picture of an organisation before marketing to them or entering into business deals.
Given that this sector encompasses a wide range of company types, it's important to narrow your search in order to create the most cost-effective marketing campaigns. Our range of filter options allow you to drill down to the specific other service activities companies you need, so your sales and marketing team don't waste time and money targeting those who aren't likely to convert into buyers.
At Global Database we recognise the constantly changing nature of businesses in the other service activities sector, and as a result we update all of our data every day. Outdated records are removed or updated, and new companies are added to the database. Thanks to our constant checks and updates, we have one of the highest data accuracy levels of any data provider, which is why we are trusted by market-leading companies across practically every sector.