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Top Inverness companies by revenue

Inverness is a vibrant and well-connected city, with great infrastructure and easy access to important tourism destinations within Scotland. Alongside tourism, the city's main industries include construction, retail, IT, public administration, and the commercial side of agriculture, forestry and fishing. Emerging sectors such as renewables are also becoming increasingly prominent in the city.

Inverness is home to leading research centres and universities, and this, coupled with the city's pool of highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce, supports continued and diverse innovation. The city has a rapidly growing sector for life sciences, demonstrated by the Inverness Campus development, which has already seen investment of over £105 million.

To find out more about the companies dominating the Inverness economy, look at the list compiled from our B2B database. We've found the top-performing businesses in the city based on their revenue - discover who the the city's most profitable enterprises are below.


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As the list of top performers above shows, Inverness has a strong and diverse economy. As a result, the city has one of the best rates of employment in the whole of the UK. Future developments such as the £500 million retail and housing construction at Stratton ensure further growth and job creation.

The increase in tourism is also helping to boost the city's economy. There was an increase in visitors to the area in 2017, thanks partly to the weaker pound to the dollar. The £150 million investment of new trains for the Caledonian Sleeper service demonstrates how well the tourism sector is performing throughout the region.

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