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Top Durham companies by revenue

Durham has a growing economy and a solid range of business potential. Estimates from the Office of National Statistics show that there were 13,370 active businesses registered in County Durham in 2016, which is a rise of 2.5% from the previous year. Durham currently accounts for over 16% of the overall economy of the North East region, generating around £8 billion every single year. Productivity is on the rise in the city; in 2015 GVA per worker increased by 1.7%.

Whether you're looking to do business in Durham for the first time, or just growing your current reach in the area, you might be interested to learn which companies are currently turning over the largest sums. At Global Database we've used our Durham B2B database to arrange this list of the top performers in the region, across all industries and sectors. Take a look at the results in full here.


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Engineering in Durham has seen a big boost in recent times, thanks in part to the development of Forrest Park. This project will add 52 hectares to the Aycliffe Business Park industrial estate, which is already the biggest in the North East and is home to market leaders including Hitachi Rail. The development is expected to create 3,000 new jobs, and is seeing investment of £13 million from Local Enterprise Partnership funding.

Durham County is set to enjoy further growth and development, with the local government setting out a number of goals for the area's future economy. These include increasing the number of businesses by 4,300 by 2030 and increasing the GVA to 87% of the overall region's value by 2030.

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