If you're looking to prospect companies in Bradford, Global Database is ideal. Our business directory holds contact details for 1 companies, giving you plenty of opportunity to find potentially lucrative deals. What's more, each of our company records can be further segmented by industry type, number of employees, sales revenue, credit risk, ownership, group structure and more, allowing you to build highly targeted contact lists quickly and easily.
Out of 1 companies based in Bradford, we have the contact details for {number of employees} executives, allowing you to contact those with the power to make the biggest buying decisions. You can filter these by seniority level and the department they work for, so you're able to find the exact types of people you need to talk to. The list will then be available for immediate export via Excel, or enriched into Salesforce, so your team can start reaching out straight away.
If your business is expanding into new territory, or just looking for an immediate solution to the constant challenge of searching for fresh leads, our B2B company directory is the perfect asset for your sales and marketing team.