This is where Global Database comes in. If you're looking for businesses located solely in Peterborough, our B2B directory is ideal. We have contact details for 26,598 companies and key employees in the area, giving you the opportunity to start selling from day one. These records can be narrowed down further using a range of demographic filters such as industry type, sales revenue, employee headcount, group structure, credit risk and more, allowing you to build finely-tuned mailing lists based on your target audience.
Global Database also allows you to reach out to CEOs and other executives directly. We have contact details for 57,715 executives for companies based in Peterborough, so you can set up meetings with the individuals who hold real purchasing power in each organisation. You can segment these employees by department and seniority level, giving you the ability to find the people your sales team need most. Once you've put your list together, it can be exported via Excel or integrated into Salesforce, making the setup of your campaigns quick and easy.